Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Sweetest Moment of Today

Today was very fast-paced. It was full of lots of work projects, lots of running around getting kids to and from school, some errands, an audio & visual health screening with Lillie, and many things in between. After work, and after picking up Aedan from school, I hurried to make dinner so Brett could have something to eat before he went to mutual tonight. He was home for only about 40 minutes before he had to leave, and then it was me and just the kids again.

Lillie was looking sleepy, but it wasn't quite late enough to put her down for bed, so we had bath time (which she loved). After a bath, we went to my room, and I suddenly lost steam. I was tired from the day and just wanted to put my feet up. I laid her down on my bed, got her changed, then put on a movie for us to watch in bed on the laptop ("Minions" [2015]). Later on, Izzy came to join us. The boys were having fun playing with toys in the bathroom sink and weren't making TOO much of a mess, so it ended up just being a girls movie. Lillie snuggled with me while I relaxed and perused  my babycenter app on my phone.

The aftermath of the boys' bathroom play time.
They were building a floating island (when the sink was full) so their superhero toys could have a "secret base". 

The time on the bed with my two little girls watching a fun movie, and then thinking about the new little girl we'll be having soon...THAT was the sweetest moment of today. I was able to forget about the dishes I had been determined to do, or other house chores that I had felt needed attention. Once we were all in bed, nothing else mattered except enjoying the moments with my beautiful girls, and enjoying the giggles from my boys as I could hear them play in the next room. It was a perfectly simple evening with no expectations or worrying about my personal to-do list. During our movie time, I realized that this was exactly what I needed to be doing, and it superseded any to-do-task I had previously felt to be important. It was a good mom moment, and just what everyone needed.

Brett came home to a still messy kitchen, but everyone was so happy. We spent some time together as a family, everyone crowded in our bedroom (we're very luck to have a king-sized bed), and it was pretty peaceful when we actually had to put all the kids too bed. There wasn't as much defiance and hassle as there normally is during our bedtime routine. Maybe it was my attitude and relaxed state of mind. I wasn't impatient with the kids, I wasn't losing my temper or raising my voice or hurrying them to get into bed. We had enjoyed a fun yet peaceful evening together, and I think the kids continued that attitude into bedtime.

Then, it was time for ME to go to bed. Here's a "bumpie" at 24 weeks. Very glamorous, I know. It was taken in the low-light of my bathroom after all the kids were asleep. You gotta love the zebra PJ pants. (I'm just noticing how tired I look. Like I said, it HAD been a long day.)

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